The Iceberg Theory: Strategically Proactive Accounting

Colton and Associates chose a maritime theme for our website. The singular reason was that the ebb and flow of the sea is much like our individual client’s financial scenarios. 

Staying true to our site’s aquatic imagery, we pay respect to a natural phenomenon which is the result of frigid water- Icebergs. The financial metaphor that these floating mountains provide serves as one of the pillars of our practice. We refer to this as ‘The Iceberg Theory’.

The facts are, the small percent of an iceberg visible above the water is not what causes vessels to sink upon accidental collisions.  Rather, it is the mass below, the unseen greatest part of the iceberg, that causes horrific destruction. The Titanic is arguably the best example of what might occur when there is poor navigation.

Our client’s data and ‘numbers’ are identical to the visible picture described above. These figures are nothing more than the indicators of “what lies beneath”. It is the hidden facts within these numbers that allow our proactive and strategic efforts to guide our clients away from the harm WHICH THEY ARE UNABLE TO SEE! And, on the plus side, it also allows Colton and Associates to maximize unknown positives to our clients previously not recognized.

We do not sell fear at our firm. On the contrary, we are simply firm believers in actively knowing and managing the constantly changing financial landscape for each of our client’s business or personal finances. Thus, avoiding life’s icebergs.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to speak with our team, please reach out. 

(405) 771-6409

3035 NW 63rd St #105, Oklahoma City, OK 73116

M-F: 8am-5pm, S-S: Closed